Foreground property of Button control in UMG in UE5


In the Unreal 5 version of UMG, the Button control has several new properties "Foreground", refer to the figure below. Foreground is a common property in UI design, which mainly indicates what the foreground is. It can indicate color and texture. In the Button control, it is mainly used to affect the sub-content color added to the Button control.

New properties in Button
This article mainly shares how to use the foreground color of Button to adjust the color of sub-content, making Button editing control more flexible.


1. Create a UMG page and add a button

2. Add a TextBlock control (text control) to the button

In the text control, we need to pay attention that if you adjust the color parameters of the text control panel, you can apply it to the text control, refer to the figure below.

Adjust color
In the new version, inheritance is added after the color control item. Inheritance mainly means that the color value result is given to the parent in the hierarchical relationship, and the parent node provides the color.

Here, the parent of the text control is the button control.

3. Check the color inheritance of the text control

Check the inheritance after the color in the text control, you will find that the originally set color is invalid, and the adjustment will not reflect the result, as shown in the figure below.

Check inheritance

4. Adjust the foreground color of the button control

Select the button control and adjust the foreground color in the button control. This color is applied to the subset node text control.

Set foreground color

Engine version: 5.2

